Nothing About Us Without Us: The War Against Ableism Must Be Won
Revolutionary greetings, my dear friends. Due to my international assignments, I have been unable to communicate as frequently as I would have liked. However, I cannot remain silent while injustice masquerades as governance. Yesterday, the United States and Russia sat down to discuss the war in Ukraine. Three key steps were proposed toward lasting peace:…
A Friendship That Changed a Life:
In a world where people too often wait until it’s too late to appreciate those who have touched their lives, I believe we must normalize showing gratitude while we and those we love are still here. Today, I want to share the story of a man who has been a guiding light in my life…
Pamoja First Episode Transcript .
Hello everyone and welcome to this podcast, Pamoja: On the Wings of Hope. Pamoja is a Swahili word which means together and here we say: “hope is our greatest currency and we would allow no one to steal it from us. This weekly podcast is brought to you by your host Abraham Mateta, also known…
Is Knowledge Power? The Monologue of a Disability Rights Activist
Special dedication to all my teachers who sometimes innocently worked diligently to mislead me. Sweet memories have taken me back to those good old days when I was a learner at that place in Matabeleland North called John Tallach Secondary School. Towards the end of 1998, there arose what I will here conveniently refer to…